Ongoing efforts
Contact betsy keller, missions team chair, for info on any of the Missions listed here or to ask about possible future missions.
Backpack Meals for School Children
Pack up weekend meals for children on free school lunch programs during the week. Gather on 4th Thursday of the month 7-8pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact: Cammie Hurley (camspann@yahoo.com)
Picnic in the Park
Serving a free lunch to children and families during June & July, Monday & Wednesday 11:30am-12:30pm at Ken Johnston Park. Sandwich making Sundays and Wednesdays at 6pm. Learn more about Picnic in the Park. Contact: Lydia Locke
Hope on Wheels
During the school year, Aldersgate teams up with Manna House to use their food truck to provide dinners for families. We set up at Weatherly Elementary (usually) on the first Monday of the month. You can eat there or take the food with you. Join us at 1:30pm to cook and prep the food or 4:30pm to help serve the dinners.
Questions? Interested in volunteering? Email Lydia Locke.
Huntsville Assistance Program (HAP)
Collect non-perishable food items the 2nd Sunday. Drop off shelf in narthex. You can contact Wendy Kirk for more information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit/crochet prayer shawls the church blesses and gives away. Contact Belinda Freeman for information about how be involved or to request a prayer shawl for yourself or someone in our community.
Children Ministry/Nursery
Weekly (Sunday morning and evening) and seasonal opportunities to help with our programs for children, requires Safe Sanctuary Training and Background Check. Contact: Brittney Saffell
Youth Ministry
Weekly and seasonal opportunities to help with our programs for youth, requires Safe Sanctuary Training and Background Check. Contact: Tim Tatum
Mission of the month and other Seasonal Missions
Keep your eyes open for the following outreach efforts during the year. You will see the Mission of the Month and these opportunies posted in our newsletter, the announcement slides before church services, and mentioned during services.
Cookies for Teachers
Special Camp: overnight summer camp and fall weekend camp
Habitat for Humanity Build
Christmas for Children/Angel Tree
Food Boxes for National Children's Advocacy Center
- Mission of the Month Emphasis
- Heart of Christ Honduras
- NCAC - healthy families
- First Stop
- Meals on Wheels
- Habitat for Humanity
- Special Camp
- Wesley Foundation
- Still Serving Veterans
- HEALS Clinic
- Cornerstone Initiative
- Camp Sumatanga
- Angel Tree/Food Boxes