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Thanks for Visiting


Our 9:00 worship is held in our Sanctuary and contains many traditional elements – a choir,
hymns, Lord’s Prayer, and a sermon. We have many Sunday School classes at 10:00. Our 11:00 service in the Fellowship Hall is lead by our Worship Leader and Praise Band. Both services contain all ages of worshipers and a relaxed atmosphere. There is a nursery available for children from infant to age 3. Our nursery is located near the fellowship hall in rooms 109 and 110.


You can worship with us online at Facebook or at your convenience on YouTube. We welcome you to comment or pass along prayer requests! Reach out to us via email or by clicking the Let's Chat popup link.



We have activities and events for you little ones.


Teens gather for fun, fellowship, and learning.

Bible Study

There are many opportunities for adults to learn more about the Bible and our faith, too.


Be the hands and feet of God by joining us in helping others.

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