advent sundays
Worship Series:
Christmas: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
10:00 Adult Study - Sanctuary
"Christmas: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
Led by Ann Henley
Ann is life-long learner and a
skilled teacher of Scripture.
Books are available in the
Welcome Centers for $12.
There will be box to drop payment next to books.

Sunday, Nov 28
Let's Keep Herod in Christmas
9:00 Worship, Sanctuary
10:00 Adult Advent Study in Sanctuary
11:00 Worship, Fellowship Hall
Sunday, Dec 5
Let's Keep the Wisemen in Christmas
9:00 Worship, Sanctuary
10:00 Adult Advent Study Sanctuary
11:00 Worship, Fellowship Hall
5:30-7 pm Children's Family Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec 12
Let's Keep Joseph in Christmas
9:00 Worship, Sanctuary
10:00 Adult Advent Study in Sanctuary
11:00 Worship, Fellowship Hall
5 - 7 pm Youth Christmas Party
Sunday, Dec 19
Let's Keep the Shepherds in Christmas
9:00 Worship, Sanctuary - Lessons in Carols
10:00 Adult Advent Study in Sanctuary
11:00 Worship, Fellowship - Modern Lessons in Carols
Journey of hope
Drive-thru Night
Friday, Dec 10 - 5:30-7:30
Walk-thru Night
Saturday, Dec 11 - 5:30 - 7:30
Saturday only: Children's nativity craft area
and hot chocolate.
Volunteers still needed!
Everyone can get involved somehow.
Characters, set up, take down, costume assistant, parking lot attendant, greeter, craft area.
Lynn Dowling at lynnddowling@yahoo.com
Deborah Jeziorski at debjez64@gmail.com
Belinda Freeman at bfreeman@aldersgatehsv.com

Friday, Dec 24
4 PM - Family Christmas Worship, Sanctuary
8 PM - Worship, Fellowship Hall with band
11 PM - Worship, Sanctuary with choir
All worship services will include candlelight and communion.